Pro-Kremlin messengers use decontextualized report to spread claims of Ukrainian war crimes
Disinformation actors exploit economic crisis to attack support for Ukrainian aid
Disinformation actors focus on topics ranging from the events of the Russia-Ukraine war to refugees
Coining lies. Kremlin spends 1.5 Billion per year to spread disinformation and propaganda
Disinformation actors use EU sanctions on transit of goods to Kaliningrad to spread falsehoods
False allegations target activists raising funds and collecting aid for Ukraine
Disinformation actors assert that by aiding Ukraine the Baltics provoke Russia
Kremlin media on the ban of Victory Day: the Baltic States are mental degenerates
As falsehoods about BelNPP spread, Kremlin media claims that cold-ridden Baltics are asking for help
Pro-Kremlin media uses 30th anniversary of USSR collapse to ignite nostalgia towards the Soviet era
Kremlin media asserts that international experts ‘found nothing to cavil to’ at BelNPP
In the face of a looming energy crisis, Lithuania stabs Ukraine in the back, Kremlin media asserts
Lithuanian fight against BelNPP leads to a collapse of energy sector, Kremlin media declares
By spreading disinformation, Minsk shifts the blame for increased migrant flow towards the West
When you can't trust your eyes – Civic Resilience Course teaches to recognize false information
False narratives about the surge of migrants used to portray Lithuania as a failed state
"This is not the second Chernobyl" and other narratives used to cover up accidents at BelNPP
Gas wars. Clash between Nord Stream 2, Baltic Pipe and US LNG in pro-Kremlin disinformation
"COVID-19 is a tool for control" and other disinformation narratives escalate distrust in vaccines
Pro-Kremlin media: "Lithuanian president protects the monopoly of Scandinavian capital"