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Debunker: 'NATO threatens Russia on its borders'
WHAT KREMLIN PROPAGANDISTS SAY: Kremlin officials, propagandists, pro-Kremlin media are systematically spreading a narrative that ‘NATO...

Kremlin spent 1.9 billion USD on propaganda last year, the budget exceeded by a quarter
Since the media was compared to a weapon by Russian officials and propagandists on multiple occasions, the increased spending on the...

Bot accounts spread the vision of the “Russian World” on social media platforms
An analysis of the Facebook page ‘Russkaya Litva’ (Russian Lithuania), showed an entire network of interconnected accounts has been...

Calls for Unconditional Peace in Ukraine: Should We Trust Them?
Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, propositions and demands for peace have become an integral part of daily...

Kremlin propaganda takes aim at Western military aid for Ukraine
Disinformation related to military aid has been more prevalent in Ukraine than the countries that provide it. Pro-Russian Telegram...

Pro-Kremlin disinformation targeting Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
In Lithuania and the Russian-language segment of Baltic media, anti-sanctions messaging has been particularly strong due to the...

Marina Ovsyannikova: Russian propagandist or opposition figure?
A screengrab of a woman appearing on the main news programme of Russian state-run Channel One with a poster saying "No war" had overflown...

Economic Sanctions in the Discourse of Pro-Kremlin Messengers
In the context of invasion to Ukraine, narratives about the Western sanctions against Russia are an even more prevalent topic than ever -...

Coining lies. Kremlin spends 1.5 Billion per year to spread disinformation and propaganda
In democratic countries, media is referred to as “the fourth estate”. However, this term does not apply to Russia, where the media is...

ZAPAD 2021 Communication Analysis: Messages,Narratives, (Dis)information
Communication analysis of ZAPAD 2021 indicated a presence of a number of complex information influence operations that were employed by...

Back to the (Soviet) basics: Ukrainian biolabs and dirty bombs in the Kremlin’s propaganda
The conspiracy theory about Ukrainian army developing bioweapons and aspiring to acquire a 'dirty bomb' became a culprit of the Kremlin...

Refugees, sanctions, and military aid became targets of Kremlin disinformation about war in Ukraine
In its alternative universe, where the invasion to Ukraine is not actually an act of war but a 'special military operation', the Kremlin...

Alternative universe: Kremlin TV prepped its Russian audience for a full-scale invasion to Ukraine
In the weeks leading up to the invasion to Ukraine, Kremlin propaganda apparatus went out its way to convince domestic audiences that...

In Kremlin’s spider web - social media analysis of the migrant crisis disinformation on Facebook
Comprehensive analysis of the networks of profiles, pages, and groups on social media has shown that Facebook pages and groups, which...

As falsehoods about BelNPP spread, Kremlin media claims that cold-ridden Baltics are asking for help
With the temperatures in the region reaching sub-zero level, Latvia and Estonia are asking for Russia's help and persuading Lithuania to...

Pro-Kremlin media uses 30th anniversary of USSR collapse to ignite nostalgia towards the Soviet era
During the months leading up to the 30th anniversary of the USSR dissolution, various Kremlin-related Russian media outlets tend to...

Kremlin media asserts that international experts ‘found nothing to cavil to’ at BelNPP
After Lithuania handed a protest note to Minsk for rushing to start the second unit of BelNPP without meeting the necessary nuclear...

In the face of a looming energy crisis, Lithuania stabs Ukraine in the back, Kremlin media asserts
Disinformation narratives asserting that quarrels between the Baltic partners are to blame for the energy price increase in the whole...

Lukashenko uses Kremlin’s playbook to spread disinformation about the surge of migrants
Hybrid attack organized by the Belarusian state involves not only using migrants as a means of political pressure, but also aiming...

Lithuanian fight against BelNPP leads to a collapse of energy sector, Kremlin media declares
Actions taken by Lithuania to stop the flow of cheap electricity from the BelNPP in the Baltic region caused an increase of the price of...
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