Escalation of accusations targeting Poland as a Russophobic state
Noticeable growth of disinformation in January as Lithuania is portrayed as politically failed state
2020 has ended with allegations of the Baltics meddling in Belarus and suppressing Russian media
Incidents at the BelNPP are being covered up using falsehoods, mockery and made-up facts
Baltic countries and Poland face accusations of Russophobia and mishandling COVID-19
The change of government in Lithuania negatively reflected by disinformation media
Poland's foreign policies and response to the pandemic became targets of disinformation
Estonia accused of Russophobia and violating the rights of Russian journalists
2020 came to an end with an escalated disinformation flow about Latvia
'Aggressive' and 'breaking its promises': portrayal of NATO activities in the Baltics
Kremlin-related media accuses the West for deliberately discrediting Russian vaccine
Kremlin related media: Baltic countries and Poland are unable to counter COVID-19
Russian media: Belarusian opposition is anti-Russian and is selling itself to the West
With a dramatic surge of COVID-19 cases, Baltic states may be facing the second wave of infodemic
Disinformers take an advantage of COVID-19 crisis