Doppelganger journalist FIMI incident from Belarus National State TV against Lithuanian president elections 2024 candidates
WeRedirect APT. The Large-Scale Scam Attack: Exposing the Elaborate Tactics of Online Scams Part III
The large-scale scam attack also exploits well-known Lithuanian and foreign personalities. Part II
Almost two out of three texts about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in Kremlin media are positive
Advertisements of more than 300 brands detected on portals spreading disinformation
Pro-Kremlin media uses 30th anniversary of USSR collapse to ignite nostalgia towards the Soviet era
By spreading disinformation, Minsk shifts the blame for increased migrant flow towards the West
False narratives about the surge of migrants used to portray Lithuania as a failed state
‘Should we let them catch us?’ - Facebook as a communication channel for illegal migrants
"This is not the second Chernobyl" and other narratives used to cover up accidents at BelNPP
Pro-Kremlin media: "Lithuanian president protects the monopoly of Scandinavian capital"
BelNPP related disinformation asserts a 30% price jump for electricity in the Baltics
Use of Soviet Era Nostalgia in Russian media, marking 30 years since the fall of USSR
Pro-Kremlin media: Lithuania pushes Ukraine into the arms of Russian energy dependence
‘The EU is failing the fight with COVID-19’: increased tensions amplify pro-Kremlin coverage
180-degree turn: Lithuania accused of lying about the consumption of energy from BelNPP
Not just for fun. How memes spread disinformation on Covid-19?
Incidents at the BelNPP are being covered up using falsehoods, mockery and made-up facts
Breaches in regulation for political ads on social media pose a risk on electoral transparency
With a dramatic surge of COVID-19 cases, Baltic states may be facing the second wave of infodemic