How Kremlin propagandists have used Soviet monument demolitions to spin claims of 'Russophobia'
Over a third of Kremlin war propaganda has centred on battlefield developments
Kremlin propaganda takes aim at Western military aid for Ukraine
Pro-Kremlin disinformation targeting Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Kremlin media on the ban of Victory Day: the Baltic States are mental degenerates
Pro-Kremlin media uses 30th anniversary of USSR collapse to ignite nostalgia towards the Soviet era
Lukashenko uses Kremlin’s playbook to spread disinformation about the surge of migrants
Lithuanian fight against BelNPP leads to a collapse of energy sector, Kremlin media declares
By spreading disinformation, Minsk shifts the blame for increased migrant flow towards the West
‘Should we let them catch us?’ - Facebook as a communication channel for illegal migrants
Pro-Kremlin media: "Lithuanian president protects the monopoly of Scandinavian capital"
“World saviours”: Russia leads the fight against COVID-19, Belarus provides Sputnik V to neighbors
BelNPP related disinformation asserts a 30% price jump for electricity in the Baltics
'May 9th is celebrated by the victors' and other pillars of pro-Kremlin disinformation
Which piece of the puzzle is Latvia in the Covid-19 vaccination campaign of European Union?
Pro-Kremlin media: Lithuania pushes Ukraine into the arms of Russian energy dependence
Kremlin-related media accuses the West for deliberately discrediting Russian vaccine
Kremlin related media: Baltic countries and Poland are unable to counter COVID-19
NATO drills, COVID-19 rules, alleged interference in Belarus used to target the Baltics and Poland
COVID-19 related disinformation becomes a tool to promote anti-Baltic narratives