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In Kremlin’s spider web - social media analysis of the migrant crisis disinformation on Facebook
Comprehensive analysis of the networks of profiles, pages, and groups on social media has shown that Facebook pages and groups, which...

When you can't trust your eyes – Civic Resilience Course teaches to recognize false information
“I’ll just watch one more and go to bed” is probably a common thought of somebody who is about to fall in into a YouTube rabbit hole of...

‘Should we let them catch us?’ - Facebook as a communication channel for illegal migrants
Increased flow of illegal migrants on the Lithuanian border with Belarus has brought on multiple challenges – one of them being the...

'May 9th is celebrated by the victors' and other pillars of pro-Kremlin disinformation
As the commemorations of the Victory Day rolled over Russia, elaborate parades showcasing the military might and accusations of the rise...

Negative posts on Facebook sought to discredit democratic processes in Lithuania
With the new government starting their term, Lithuanian parliamentary election of 2020 is still in the spotlight. Political campaigns...

Breaches in regulation for political ads on social media pose a risk on electoral transparency
Political advertising on social media has given political parties and candidates more possibilities for reaching their constituents....

Negative communication creates an impression of no real political choice in Lithuanian elections
While a notorious contest for voter ‘s attention was raging in the public space, there were repeated attempts in digital media to...

70% of the information about the NATO exercise Defender 2020 was misleading
NATO’s Defender Europe 2020 exercise, scheduled for May in Eastern Europe, was set to become the Alliance’s largest exercise on the...

US organisation expands its cooperation with Lithuanians in the fight against Chinese disinformation
The Alliance for Securing Democracy, an independent organisation operating in the United States, just a few weeks earlier has launched a...
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