Trending in Lithuania
June 3, 2021
Use of Soviet Era Nostalgia in Russian media, marking 30 years since the fall of USSR
April 28, 2021
Pro-Kremlin media: Lithuania pushes Ukraine into the arms of Russian energy dependence
April 22, 2021
‘The EU is failing the fight with COVID-19’: increased tensions amplify pro-Kremlin coverage
March 29, 2021
180-degree turn: Lithuania accused of lying about the consumption of energy from BelNPP
March 25, 2021
Not just for fun. How memes spread disinformation on Covid-19?
January 29, 2021
Incidents at the BelNPP are being covered up using falsehoods, mockery and made-up facts
November 10, 2020
Breaches in regulation for political ads on social media pose a risk on electoral transparency
November 2, 2020
With a dramatic surge of COVID-19 cases, Baltic states may be facing the second wave of infodemic
October 26, 2020
Negative communication creates an impression of no real political choice in Lithuanian elections