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Disinformation about migration

2022 m. balandžio 1 d.
In Kremlin’s spider web - social media analysis of the migrant crisis disinformation on Facebook

2021 m. gruodžio 17 d.
‘Merciful’ Belarus uses migrants to accuse Lithuania and Poland of using methods close to ‘fascism’

2021 m. gruodžio 10 d.
Supported by the Kremlin in the information war, Lukashenko started dropping hints of a nuclear one

2021 m. lapkričio 11 d.
Lukashenko uses Kremlin’s playbook to spread disinformation about the surge of migrants

2021 m. spalio 20 d.
By spreading disinformation, Minsk shifts the blame for increased migrant flow towards the West

2021 m. spalio 1 d.
False narratives about the surge of migrants used to portray Lithuania as a failed state

2021 m. rugsėjo 9 d.
‘Should we let them catch us?’ - Facebook as a communication channel for illegal migrants