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Disinformation about Poland

April 21, 2021
Polish-Belarusian war of memory – topic of Cursed Soldiers in disinformation against Poland

April 6, 2021
Vassals of the West: tensions surrounding Navalny case provoke allegations of foreign interference

March 15, 2021
Blame shifting game. Navalny case used by pro-Kremlin media to undermine Polish foreign policy

March 2, 2021
‘Non-existent Russian threat’ and suppression of free speech dominate the disinformation landscape

February 11, 2021
Escalation of accusations targeting Poland as a Russophobic state

January 26, 2021
Baltic countries and Poland face accusations of Russophobia and mishandling COVID-19

January 25, 2021
Poland's foreign policies and response to the pandemic became targets of disinformation

January 12, 2021
Kremlin-related media accuses the West for deliberately discrediting Russian vaccine

December 21, 2020
NATO drills, COVID-19 rules, alleged interference in Belarus used to target the Baltics and Poland

September 7, 2020
Kremlin tries to rewrite history over Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact