Disinformation about Latvia

20 października 2021
By spreading disinformation, Minsk shifts the blame for increased migrant flow towards the West

1 października 2021
False narratives about the surge of migrants used to portray Lithuania as a failed state

17 września 2021
Kremlin media asserts that Poland betrayed Lithuania and plans to build a new NPP in Kaliningrad

11 sierpnia 2021
Gas wars. Clash between Nord Stream 2, Baltic Pipe and US LNG in pro-Kremlin disinformation

2 sierpnia 2021
"COVID-19 is a tool for control" and other disinformation narratives escalate distrust in vaccines

23 lipca 2021
Analysis of foreign influence and cyber incidents during the Latvian municipal elections 2021

5 lipca 2021
“World saviours”: Russia leads the fight against COVID-19, Belarus provides Sputnik V to neighbors

9 czerwca 2021
'May 9th is celebrated by the victors' and other pillars of pro-Kremlin disinformation

11 maja 2021
Which piece of the puzzle is Latvia in the Covid-19 vaccination campaign of European Union?

15 kwietnia 2021
Who rewrites history? The portrayal of the Legionnaire Day in pro-Kremlin media

6 kwietnia 2021
Vassals of the West: tensions surrounding Navalny case provoke allegations of foreign interference

18 marca 2021
Baltics and Ukraine targeted for refusing Sputnik V, with social media amplifying false messages