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Monitor information flows and build media sector capacity to deal with disinformation/misinformation and hate speech in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Timeline: 18 months (1 December 2023 – 31 May 2025)
The overall objective of the project to help mitigate the tensions generated by hate speech and other misinformation/disinformation content in the DRC and the region by building a "Trust and Facts' Hub" in the country, a network with the capacity to monitor and respond to misinformation/disinformation
This will be done by combining monitoring of misinformation/disinformation and hate speech online using high-performance tools, capacity-building for local media networks and journalists, and the production of reliable, non-partisan content to respond to identified rumors, complemented by content to raise awareness and educate people about information and how the media works.
Partners: The project will draw on the expertise and network developed over several years by Fondation Hirondelle in the DRC, through its "Studio Hirondelle DRC" and its partner media network across the country, including 102 partner radio stations (mainly community radio stations, but also commercial radio stations); and 23 television stations. This network is the most structured in the country. It represents more than 25% of the Congolese media landscape.
Contracting authority: European Commission